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Published on 08/11/17

An enriching and dynamic trip to the Globe Theatre for Dame B's Year 5 pupils.

On 30th October we travelled to London to spend the day at the Globe Theatre. The day was a busy and exciting one. The children toured the theatre, visited the Globe exhibition and took part in a workshop lead by an actor/director working at the theatre.

Globe Theatre

The children were blown away as the gates swung open for their first view of the theatre. “Stunning, incredible, awesome, inspiring and amazing,” were  just a few of the words the children used. A highlight of the trip was performing some lines from Macbeth on the stage, to a round of applause from the audience!

The workshops were superb; the children explored the way the witches manipulated Macbeth, the destructive relationship between Lord and Lady Macbeth and how bodies, minds and voices are used to create character.

It was a fantastic day and a great end to our topic on William Shakespeare!

Tagged  Drama  Collaboration